Morawa Business Directory

The Shire of Morawa worked with the Morawa Business Groups to create a business directory. If you are a business operating in Morawa and you would like to be included in this directory, please contact us.

Click on the below link to be taken to the directory:  

Morawa Business Directory

Sporting Clubs in Morawa

If you are interested in sports, there is a sport for you in Morawa.  We have many active sporting clubs and groups operating within the Shire. For more information and details about what is available then please refer to the Morawa Sports & Clubs Directory. 

Morawa Sports & Recreation Directory

Community Groups in Morawa

There are many fantastic community groups in Morawa that you can can be involved in. For more information, contact details are provided below.

If you have a group or organisation you wish to have included in this list, please contact us.

Morawa Community Groups