Rates Information
Your rates aid in providing many services within the Shire of Morawa. These services include the upkeep and maintenance of infrastructure including roads, footpaths, parks, as well as aiding in community services such as recreation centres, halls, library, swimming pool & refuse collection sites as well as rubbish collection service.
How are my Rates Calculated?
Landgate values all properties in Western Australia for rating and taxing purposes in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 1978.
How much you pay depends on the value of your property. This value is determined by the State Government’s Landgate (formerly Valuer General’s Office [VGO]) in one of two ways, depending on the type of property you own:
- For properties that are predominately used for rural purposes, the estimated Unimproved Value (UV) of the land only is used.
- For properties that are predominately used for residential, industrial and business, the Gross Rental Value (GRV) is used.
This is the estimate of the total rent that may be received from the property in one year. This value is then multiplied by the Shire’s rate-in-the-dollar to determine your property’s annual rates.
For example:
GRV of $250 per week x 52 weeks = $13,000.
$13,000 x rate-in-the-dollar = Rates total.
The Shire’s rate-in-the-dollar is determined each year at budget time. Rates-in-the-dollar may vary for different categories of UV or GRV properties. This is called a Differential Rating System. Each year a minimum rate applies which is the minimum amount any property owner will be asked to contribute.
This ensures a fair contribution is made by all property owners, regardless of their property’s value.
For any enquires regarding valuation related issues, please contact Landgate via email: vs@landgate.wa.gov.au or visit the Landgate website: https://www.landgate.wa.gov.au/valuations/valuations-for-rates-and-taxes
What are the additional Charges on my Rates Notice?
Emergency Services Levy (ESL)-
The State Government requires Councils to collect the Emergency Services Levy from ratepayers. The funds raised go to the Department of Fire and Emergency Services. The funds do not go to Councils and the rate charged is not set by Councils. For more information, visit the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) website.
Sewerage Levy-
All properties within the Morawa Town Site are connected to the Shire's sewerage system are required to pay a sewerage levy. The Sewerage Levy is required to pay for operating expenses, infrastructure maintenance, renewal and new infrastructure expenses. Water Corporation does not service the sewerage in Morawa and it is the Shire's responsibility to maintain and provide this service, when Water Corporation manages a households sewerage service, these charges are incorporated into your Bi Monthly utility bill.
Domestic/ Commercial Rubbish Service-
The Shire employs AVON Waste to provide weekly Domestic and Commercial rubbish collection. This service charge on your rates notice covers this weekly service as well as maintaining the Morawa Refuse and Transfer Station.
2024 - 2025 Rating Information
Council adopted the 2024/2025 Budget on 26 August 2024, the below is the current rate in the $ currently charged on Uv and GRV properties and residential and commercial rubbish charges.
General Rates |
Rate in the $ |
GRV Residential/Commercial |
8.8342 |
UV Rural |
1.8932 |
UV Mining |
30.1974 |
Minimum Rated Properties |
Minimum Rates Charge |
GRV Residential/Commercial |
$355.00 |
UV Rural |
$355.00 |
UV Mining |
$683.00 |
Rubbish Bin Service |
Charges |
Residential Rubbish Service |
$570.00 |
Commercial Rubbish Service |
$1140.00 |
Change of Address & Ownership
*Please advise Council in writing of any change of address to which notices are to be sent by using the Change of Address /Owner Details
Notification of change in address can be emailed to rates@morawa.wa.gov.au, or delivered to the Shire's Administration Office.
Visit our Forms page to download a copy of the Change of Address and Ownership Form.
Please be advised that the Shire does not receive advice from Landgate relating to property ownership changes. If a property is bought or sold the settlement agent should advise the shire of date of sale and new owner details. If this has not happened and the incorrect owner is shown on your Rates Notice please provide a copy of the Certificate of Title to the Rates Officer so this can be corrected.
Payment Options
- Simply scan the QR code on the bottom right of your rates notice to pay via direct debit or using your Debit/ Credit card
- If you opt for Instalment payments, you will receive a BPAY option on your Instalment Notices
- In Person at the Shire of Morawa Administration Office during office hours.
- By mail - post your cheque to the Shire of Morawa. Cheques and Money Orders should be made payable to the Shire of Morawa
For more information on contacting the Shire of Morawa, visit our Contact Information page.
Instalment Options
Option 1 - Payment in full by the due date
The full amount of rates and charges must be paid before the due date to receive the 1.5% discount.
Due date: Friday, 4 October 2024
Option 2 - Payment by four instalments
To opt to pay your rates by instalments, make payment of the first instalment amount by the due date. This option attracts a $10 administration charge and 5.5% simple interest charge.
1st Instalment payment due date: Friday, 4 October 2024
2nd Instalment payment due date: Friday, 13 December 2024
3rd Instalment payment due date: Friday, 21 February 2025
4th Instalment payment due date: Friday, 2 May 2025
The Shire also offers a payment arrangement option, to help you manage affordable monthly/ fortnightly payments. Please contact the Shire's Rates Officer to discuss these payment options on rates@morawa.wa.gov.au or call (08)9971 1204
Pensioner and Seniors Rates Rebate
To receive a concession on local government rates, an applicant must own and occupy the property as their ordinary place of residence on 1 July of the current financial year.
To receive a concession on water service charges, an applicant must own and occupy the property as their ordinary place of residence at the date of application and be the holder of a valid
- Pensioner Concession Card or
- State Concession Card or
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card together with a WA Seniors Card or
- WA Seniors Card.
The amount of the concession depends on the type of concession card an applicant holds.
See more information about pensioners and seniors concessions on the WA Government website under Community Services - Grants and Subsidies.