Parks & Gardens
Morawa boasts excellent parks, gardens and streetscapes, which are maintained to a standard which is enviable by other regional towns and are an excellent promotion of our Shire.
The dedicated team behind this great work is the Shire of Morawa’s Parks and Gardens team. Their main focus is to develop and promote green areas for residents and to maintain all facilities to a high standard.
The Parks and Gardens team keep busy around the town of Morawa completing tasks such as:
- Design, maintenance and development of the Winfield Street precinct
- Effluent pumping and chlorination for Council reserves
- Street tree pruning and mulching
- Litter control
- Oval/Reserves maintenance
- Park maintenance
- Slashing of open space and verges
- Verge enhancement
If you have any feedback or queries regarding the parks and gardens in Morawa, please lodge and enquiry through the Online Enquiry Portal.
Online Enquiry Portal