Liveability in Morawa
Recent newspaper articles have highlighted the fact that Morawa has some of the most cost effective house prices in Australia.
Like many rural towns Morawa has a range of housing quality up for sale. An example of an online search shows properties for sale that range in price from $150k for a 3-bedroom house to $250k for a 4-bedroom house. Alternatively, if you are after a real farm life change you could take up the opportunity to purchase up to 1,361 hectare farm within the Morawa Shire.
Why Morawa?
If you are looking to get out of the busy city and move to a more enjoyable balanced lifestyle, then Morawa is the place to be. Morawa is a family-orientated town with a strong sense of community. It is located less than 4 hours north of Perth, about 1 ½ hours from Geraldton, and only an hour from Dongara’s fabulous beaches. With benefits of a small country town Morawa is an ideal location for young families, entrepreneurs or even retired persons. With access to excellent educational facilities (from childcare ages through to high school and beyond) and a range of local medical services such as a local doctor, a modern hospital and regular dental service visits. Morawa is a town where children still play in the streets, people know their neighbours, and people regularly get together at the various clubs to have a game or just to catch up socially.
Morawa has a rich agricultural and mining history which has helped to develop the community over the years. Tourism is another key draw card for Morawa particularly across the Wildflower season during the months of July to October. Astro-tourism is a growing area that is starting to attract more visitors to the region who come to enjoy our amazing dark sky.

This is in addition to our other attractions such as our museum and historic churches throughout the town.
Quick Details
Education: Morawa is working towards being the sub-regional education hub. Morawa District High School caters for students from kindergarten to Year 12 and with a focus on ‘growing good people’. Staff are committed to assisting students to achieve the highest standards and reach their own personal goals.

The Morawa District High School also has an outstanding specialist music program, that has been running for over 50 years, and is home to the only public school Brass Band in Western Australia.

Morawa’s WA College of Agriculture caters to young people in Years 10-12, as either day students or boarding students.

They offer farm skills, automotive, engineering, plant and animal science-based subjects. In addition, WACoA-M has now implemented a new equine program for 2020 and have also added a new resident dog, called Dusty, to the WA College of Agriculture family.

Facilities: Medical centre, community health centre, childcare centre, youth centre, swimming pool, aged care accommodation, community resource centre, Police and St John ambulance services. In addition, the Shire of Morawa maintains several high quality recreational and sporting facilities.
Clubs & Associations: Badminton club, Bowling club, Cricket club, Country Women’s Association, Football club, Golf club, Hockey club, Morawa Amateur Basketball Association, Morawa Historical Society, Morawa Sporting Shooters Association, Netball club, Rifle club, Speedway Association, Swimming club, Tennis club, town parks and a skate park.
Retail/commercial: Agricultural supplies, bank, clothing and haberdashery, hardware, mechanic, pharmacy, and supermarkets.

Hospitality: Morawa Hotel, Wildflour Bakery and Café (formerly Morawa Roadhouse), Morawa caravan park with quality self-contained units, Everlastings B&B
Transport: Road (4 hr from Perth); TransWa Bus services and regional airport facilities.
Employment opportunities occur regularly throughout the year and areas of employment range between the various regional mining companies, education and health sectors, farming, retail, production and services sectors. There is always a call for various trades services in the community.
Morawa Shire has 8 light industrial business units available for lease on the Southern end of town. These range in size from 155 to 180 square meter workshop spaces with 13 square meters of office space and car parking. The Industrial units are suitable to a variety of business ventures.

Morawa Industrial Business Units Promotional Flier
For more information contact the Shire of Morawa on 9971 1204 or
The Shire would like to acknowledge and give thanks to Dr Tony Tropiano, Morawa District High School, and the WA College of Agriculture for the use of images contained on this page.