Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Community Survey

The Shire of Morawa is currently undertaking a review of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is a requirement of the Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993 and acts as a framework for the implementation of strategies and initiatives to ensure people with disability are supported and have the same opportunities as others to access services, facilities and information.

The Shire of Morawa is committed to helping build a welcoming and inclusive community, and in order to do this it is important to develop a DAIP that reflects the needs of the community.  

Please complete this survey to have your say on, and help inform, the DAIP.

Survey responses are anonymous, and the information collected will only be used by the Shire of Morawa for this purpose.

If you, or anyone you know, would like some help to complete this survey, please contact Emily Sutherland, Left of Centre Concepts and Events on 0427 426 596.

Alternatively, please join the Shire of Morawa for Morning Tea on Wednesday 18th October at the Lesser Hall (Town Hall) between 10am and 11am for a chat about the DAIP.

1. Overall, how do you feel the Shire of Morawa meets your needs:

2. Are the Shire’s Events accessible to you?

3. Thinking about the facilities and buildings owned by the Shire, please rate the accessibility of each out of five

3. Thinking about the facilities and buildings owned by the Shire, please rate the accessibility of each out of five

(1 not accessible at all to 5 very easy to access)

• Shire Administration Building and the Library
• Public Toilets
• Caravan Park
• Morawa Greater Sports Ground & Recreational Centre
• Swimming Pool
• Morawa Community Gym
• Morawa Town Hall
• Gutha Town Hall
4. Can you easily access information that you need from the Shire?

5. Do you think the facilities and information in Morawa are easy to access for visitors?

6. Do the services provided by the Shire staff meet your expectations and needs?

7. Does the Shire of Morawa have adequate processes in place to enable you to easily make a complaint if needed?

8. Do you think the Shire adequately consults with the disabled community?

9. Does the Shire’s communication methods meet your needs and encourage you to participate or offer feedback?

10. Do you believe the Shire of Morawa offers equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities?

11. Overall, which areas do you think the Shire could improve on:

13. Please provide some information about yourself. I am a:

14. How are you completing this survey?