Morawa Youth Centre
The Morawa Youth Centre is a dedicated space for youth, aged between 8 years and 18 years, to relax and have fun in a safe and engaging environment. Two types of programs operate from this facility:
- The After School Program operates each week during the school term.
- The School Holiday Program operates for set days during each school holiday period.

Youth Centre Membership Forms
It's important that the Shire can contact parents or guardians if the need arises. For most programs held within town, parent permission is covered through the memberships forms below that will be updated at the beginning of each calendar year. Please send a completed membership form with you child when they first come to the youth centre.
Youth Centre Membership Form
Youth Centre Membership Form - Additional Siblings
Want to Know More?
Contact the Shire's Community Development Officer on the details below:
Phone: 0408 946 727 or via email to