Jubilee Park - The “Gathering Space” Park Revitalisation Project

The “Gathering Space” Park Revitalisation Project will use people-friendly design, Indigenous elements, and community participation to transform an under-used town centre public space into a gathering place for residents and visitors. Delivered in partnership with RAC through its Reconnect WA initiative, the project focuses on using recycled and natural materials in unity with public art to create community amenity.

RAC’s Reconnect WA initiative provides funding to local governments across Western Australia to deliver community-based projects which change the look and feel of streets and public spaces, supporting RAC’s vision for a safe, sustainable and connected WA.

The Shire of Morawa Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032 has several elements relevant to this project:

  1. Factor the visitor experience into planning and design decisions – the park space will be welcoming for visitors and provide a shaded place to stop which has been requested by many visitors
  2. Utilise Public Art – the floor and other elements of the space will utilise public art and create an attractive space for all.
  3. Champion inclusion and engagement and invest in socialisation and belonging – the project will centre around a collaborative community effort with a particular focus on including the Indigenous community.
  4. Embrace recycling and renewable energy – the project will align with the communities recycling mentality by reusing old structures and materials where possible

This project also aligns with the Shire’s Tourism Plan, and Arts and Culture Plan.

The project has community participation at its core and enhancing connection with Traditional Owners, whilst attracting contributions from all. The Shire wants the community to be well informed as to the goals of the project and be champions of the space once it is completed.

As such, we invite everyone to participate in the below survey to gage post installation usage trends of the space. The results will be analysed against an initial survey conducted prior to commencing the projects installation.  



"Gathering Space" Consultation Survey

This survey will help ascertain if the recent improvements made to Jubilee Park meet the communities expectations and the objectives for the Shire of Morawa and RAC Reconnect Team in revitalising the park.

Do you come to the Gathering Space at Jubilee Park more now since the upgrade of the area?
What are your main reasons for visiting the Gathering Space atJubilee Park?
How often do you come to the Gathering Space/Jubilee Park?

What are your first impressions of the revitalised Gathering Space at Jubilee Park - It is a nice place to spend time. <br> (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
What are your first impressions of the revitalised Gathering Space at Jubilee Park - It feels safe to walk and bike across the street. <br> (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
What are your first impressions of the revitalised Gathering Space at Jubilee Park - There are places to sit and plenty of shade? <br> (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
What are your first impressions of the revitalised Gathering Space at Jubilee Park - There is plenty of greenery and wildlife. <br> (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
What are your first impressions of the revitalised Gathering Space at Jubilee Park - The space is well utilised for community. <br> (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Places to sit/relax
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Rubbish bins
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Spots to meet with friends or family
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Place to park a bike
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Area for children to play
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Greenery
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Safe street crossing
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Shade/Protection from the elements
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Public art
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Indigenous elements
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Use of recycled and natural materials
What would you say are the most important features of this space? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)<br> <br> Flexibility of space use
How long do you think you spend in the space on average?

Would you like to see more spaces across the Shire upgraded like this?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the area? (1 = not satisfied at all, and 10 = extremely satisfied)
Your age bracket:

Male / female / Prefer to self describe