Published on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 at 5:54:59 PM
COVID Safe Plan
Hi everyone,
The Shire of Morawa has been seeking to find out more in relation to the State Government’s COVID-19 Safe Plan Template for Food Businesses. The following has been provided to Local Governments for dissemination. Should we receive any further information we will update as soon as possible via our social media and website.
Rob Paull
Acting CEO
To assist your business with a smooth transition to reopening and safe operation, The Shire is circulating the following information from the State Government. A COVID Safe Plan Template will be released and published online for industry groups that require this including food businesses and sporting and recreational groups, along with supporting guidance. This information will be published on the WA Government website and is being led by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
A business will be required to complete the plan and ensure a copy is located at the premise and a poster displayed in a prominent position for patrons and authorised officers to check.
EHO’s may be asked to help to educate businesses on these new requirements and refer any complaints to the State Government agency authorised with emergency powers (advice pending on who this is). EHO’s may be asked to check if COVID Safe Plans have been completed during any routine inspections, and if a business does not have a plan advice can be referred to the appropriate State Government authorised officers for enforcement.
The COVID Safe Plan is in addition to the mandatory AHA hygiene course for hospitality industries. Therefore, a food business will need to go online to complete the AHA course, and also print off a copy of the COVID safe plan template once available. This will include a poster they can place in a visible location for patrons and authorised officers to site.
It is anticipated that the COVID Safe Plan Template will be released either later today or tomorrow (for food businesses), along with a new Direction.
Key contacts:
Where to direct queries
AHA course
9321 7701
Refer all queries direct to the AHA and not through EH stakeholder engagement or Department of Health / PHEOC.
COVID – safety plan
To be confirmed.
To be confirmed
Clarification of new Emergency Management Direction once released
Please email any query related to the Emergency Management Directions to PHEOC for a direct response.
Overview of COVID Safe Plan – Template
A key focus of a COVID Safe Plan will be for a business to document what they are doing to address a range of hygiene and social distancing issues. As an example, a food business may need to document issues such as the below:
Physical distancing – what is being done to implement physical distancing requirements e.g. use of barriers, booking procedures, limitation of patrons. For example:
For patrons
- Sign at the entrance to inform customers to keep 1.5m apart.
- Floor markers to indicate where customers can stand.
- Line marker in front of cashier/order counter to inform customers to stand behind line.
- Customers waiting for takeaway orders will be directed to wait outside if store becomes crowded and when 1.5m cannot be maintained. Their order will be handed over to them once ready.
- Tables are at least #m apart and a maximum of # dine-in patrons will be taken. Reservations will be managed to ensure this can be adhered to.
For staff
- Spread work areas at kitchen to at least 1.5m apart.
- Chairs in employee rest area is placed 1.5m apart.
- During start-up meeting, employees will be reminded to keep 1.5m whenever possible (including when they are waiting to come on/off shift).
Hygiene – how will you ensure hygiene standards are maintained? For example:
For patrons
- Sign at entrance to inform customer to use hand sanitiser upon entry.
- “Contactless payment preferred” sign at cashier
- Staff to use hand sanitiser after each handling of cash payment.
- Handwashing poster at restroom.
For staff
- Staff continue to practice proper handwashing when getting on/off shift.
- The following will be sanitised every hour: Front counter surfaces, eftpos terminal, door handles, restroom taps.
- Frequently touched surfaces on tables and chairs sanitised regularly
Staff training and education – how will you ensue staff are aware of how to keep themselves and others safe from exposure of COVID. For example:
- Message all staff to complete AHA Covid-19 Hygiene course. Require them to send through completion certificate once completed.
- Have a copy of all AHA Covid-19 course material on site for on the spot checks as required
- Display AHA Covid-19 course poster in a visible location in the premise for patrons to see
- All staff encouraged to get flu shot.
- All staff reminded not to come in if they are sick. Recommend them to get tested if displaying flu like symptoms.
- Remind staff of DOH advice listed on their “Food safety and COVID-19” factsheet at daily start-up meeting.
Compliance – document awareness of the laws that require compliance with the COVID safe plan. For example:
- Reminder during staff meetings.
- Manager and chef to ensure COVID-19 and food safety plans are adhered to by staff.
- Staff that does not comply with be reminded of the requirements immediately.
Response planning – how will you document attendance records of patrons to support contact tracing. For example:
- Customers will be offered the opportunity to provide one contact (a name and phone number) in the event that they may need to be advised if another patron was suspected of COVID-19.
- Feedback from staff will be sought at start-up meeting to see any changes to operation is required.
- If any staff is tested positive for COVID-19, Department of Health will be notified.
Once the Department of Premier and Cabinet publish the new COVID Safe Plan template online, we will issue an advice to that effect to all hospitality businesses within the district.
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