Shire of Morawa – Tree Farms and Renewable Energy Facilities
This information is intended as an overview of matters which currently impact on the planning of tree farms and renewable energy facilities in the Shire of Morawa. The Shire is seeking preliminary feedback from the community on the future development of such facilities and what, if any, additional standards might be applied.
We request feedback on this matter and invite all to attend our public drop-in day on Wednesday, 26 June 2024, between 9:00am and 2:00pm at the Shire’s administration building, 26 Winfield Street, Morawa, to discuss opportunities and concerns on the emerging land uses. Alternatively, you can put your thoughts in writing via letter (PO Box 14 Morawa WA 6623) or via email
Scroll to the bottom of this page to have your say, and complete the survey.
All submissions must be received by close of business on Friday, 5 July 2024.
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) No.3 Specifications
Renewable Energy
Tree Farms
A Renewable Energy Facility means premises used to generate energy from a renewable energy source and includes any building or other structure used in, or relating to, the generation of energy by a renewable resource. It does not include renewable energy electricity generation where the energy produced principally supplies a domestic and/or business premises and any on selling to the grid is secondary.
A Tree Farm means land used commercially for tree production where trees are planted in blocks of more than one hectare, including land in respect of which a carbon right is registered under the Carbon Rights Act 2003 section 5.
Permitted use
Not permitted (X use) in all zones except General Industrial and Rural where it is an ‘A’ use (not permitted unless discretion is exercised after giving notice).
Not permitted in all zones (X use) except Rural where it is an ‘A’ use (not permitted unless discretion is exercised after giving notice).
Application requirements
In exercising discretion in the Rural zone for non-rural proposals, regard must be given to:
(i) management of anticipated traffic movement and volume;
(ii) impact on the environment including water resources, noise, amenity and air quality;
(iii) the ability of the proposal to manage impacts within the property boundary, or otherwise to not affect nearby sensitive land uses;
(iv) visual impacts and effect on rural character; and
(v) essential services being provided commensurate with the intended land use.
In exercising discretion in the Rural zone for non-rural proposals, regard must be given to:
(vi) management of anticipated traffic movement and volume;
(vii) impact on the environment including water resources, noise, amenity and air quality;
(viii) the ability of the proposal to manage impacts within the property boundary, or otherwise to not affect nearby sensitive land uses;
(ix) visual impacts and effect on rural character; and
(x) essential services being provided commensurate with the intended land use.
Environmental Impact
No specific standards are contained. Any applications would have to be determined on its merits and having regard for the stated objectives of the LPS and Local Planning Strategy.
No specific standards are contained. Any applications would have to be determined on its merits and having regard for the stated objectives of the LPS and Local Planning Strategy.
Visual and landscape impact
Not specified
Not specified
Noise impact
Not specified
Not specified
Public and aviation safety
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Construction impact
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
For the General Industrial and Rural zones the following apply.
Minimum Setback (m)
Minimum Landscaping Requirement
General Industrial
Subject to Building Code of Australia
3 metre landscape strip abutting all streets
At the discretion of local government
No parking standards are specified for either Tree Farms or Renewable energy Facilities under the Scheme.
The Shire of Morawa does not have a Local Planning Policy (LPP) for either Tree Farms or Renewable Energy Facilities. It should be noted that a Local Planning Policy is a guide for the exercise of discretion. If there was a LPP, Council would need to have significant due regard to Policy requirements in the assessment of any new planning application.
The LPS requires that State Planning Policy 2.5 - Rural Planning is to be read as part of the Scheme. The purpose of State Planning Policy 2.5 (SPP 2.5) is to protect and preserve Western Australia's rural land assets due to the importance of their economic, natural resource, food production, environmental and landscape values. Ensuring broad compatibility between land uses is essential to delivering this outcome.
The Shire of Morawa Planning Strategy sets out the long-term planning direction for the Shire of Morawa over the next ten to fifteen years and establishes strategies and actions in the context of the State, regional and local planning framework.
No standards are specified under the Strategy for Tree Farms or Renewable Energy Facilities.
In the absence of specified standards for Tree Farms and Renewable Energy Facilities under the Strategy, reference can be made to relevant Objectives, Strategies and Actions. Objectives, Strategies and Actions of relevance to potential Tree Farms and Renewable Energy Facilities in Morawa are referenced in Attachment 1.
A relevant State Government publication that applies to Renewable Energy Facilities is the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) Position Statement: Renewable energy facilities (March 2020). An overview is included as Attachment 2.
In November 2023 the WAPC released a fact sheet to clarify the planning arrangements for tree farms. An overview is included as Attachment 3.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Tree Farms and Renewable Energy Facilities - Consultation Survey
Any further submissions/feedback can be made to